In an age of mass consumption and standardised desires, the perfumes proposed today by major brands are often nothing more than simple essences, lacking in real value and designed to please the largest number of consumers. Increasingly, the choice of a perfume is based less on its fragrance and more on the appeal of expensive marketing campaigns. However, buying a perfume for yourself or your home remains a personal statement that reveals part of your personality and calls upon the sense most intimately linked to our subconscious.
At Différentes Latitudes, we believe there is an urgent need for a return to common sense, high-quality materials and a perfume industry based on beauty and excellence. For more than eleven years now, we have worked with designers who dare to tell another story, who take risks and who think outside the box when it comes to perfume. We support perfumiers who assert an artistic, sincere and personal approach, and we go out of our way to unearth the rare brands which are inventing the perfumes of tomorrow. As consultants, agents, distributors and manufacturers, we strive toward a return to an outstanding perfume industry based on designers with powerful and distinctive personalities who are creative, daring and unashamedly astonishing!
David Frossard, Founder and Manager of Différentes Latitudes